PEA offers a range of professional services, all tailored to assessing and improving the quality of early childhood education.
Services include; classroom assessments in ECERS, ITERS and FCERS, as well as, Infant, Toddler, and Pre-K CLASS.
Assessments are also offered in Program Administration Scale (PAS) and Business Administration Scale (BAS).
PEA assessors are highly experienced and professionally trained in each of the following tools: ECERS, ITERS, FCCERS, and CLASS.
What is the first step to take if you need assessments conducted?
The first step is an informational meeting with Susan McGraw, the founder of PEA. Susan knows that the assessment process can be overwhelming, so a step-by-step approach is taken, along with a detailed plan of what to expect during the duration of the contract.
PEA is dedicated to providing the services needed to make the assessment process a smooth and successful one. Once contracted, additional services through the “Agency” link on the homepage are available for administrators and teaching staff. Included are video tutorials, what to expect during the review process, a Q&A database, a discussion forum, and many other helpful resources.
PEA also provides training in the following assessment tools: ECERS, ITERS, FCCERS, PAS, BAS, Class Infant, Class Toddler, Class Pre-K. If you are interested in individual or group training, click on this link.